Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!

Our Classes

The Little Explorers

Autumn 1 – All About Me

We will be listening to and reading stories ‘All About Me’ and learning how to mark make to try and form letters that make up our names. We will be joining in with fun songs and joining in with our favourite nursery rhymes. I hope everyone loves to dance, because we are going to be dancing our socks off too! The fun learning doesn’t stop there, we are going to be doing lots of counting and playing fun games to recognise numbers. ‘Understanding the World’ is an interesting part of our curriculum, and we will be learning about how we change from babies, to children, big boys, and girls and then adults! Our preschool is set up with a super creative provision ESPECIALLY the area where we can paint, chalk, colour, draw, make junk models and DOUGH!

Autumn 2 – Exploring Autumn & Winter

This topic is all about the seasons Autumn and Winter. We will be outside observing and experiencing the change in weather and celebrate some exciting times that happen during these seasons like Class birthdays, Bonfire Night, Diwali, and CHRISTMAS! As you can imagine, this half term is going to be even more creative and fun from the previous term. Your teachers have lots of glitter for you to make some amazing sparkly creations! We will be continuing with more number recognition, signing, dancing and making marks that help us read and write. Online we will be learning with Smarty the e-safety penguin learning about keeping safe when we use technology at school and at home.

Spring 1 – Stories & Songs

This term is focussed on Stories and Songs. We all have our own favourite stories and songs, and we can learn lots from these, especially at school. We will be reading them as a class and joining in with our favourite parts, you may also want to read to your friends! This is another exciting topic as we can create some sculptures of characters from our favourite books, paint or create our own book covers or head outside and sing our favourite song AS LOUD AS WE WANT in the music area, where there is even a huge piano for you to play along with! The home area will be very interesting this half term, you could work with your teacher to change it into an exciting Palace, Castle, Dungeon to make it fit with your favourite story! How exciting is this?

Spring 2 – Watch Things Grow

I know I love to watch things grow, and I think you will too when we learn about growth, plants, animals, and habitats. We are going to be planting seeds around school, in pots and wait for it…… we are going to grow out very own SUNFLOWERS! Sunflowers grow SO tall; we could have a competition to see whose Sunflowers grows the tallest! We are going to be reading stories like ‘Lola Plants a Garden’, ‘Sam Plants a Sunflower’ and Non-fiction texts like ‘I Can Grow a Flower’. Our home area can be transformed into a garden centre.

Summer 1 – A Teddy Bears Picnic

This half term takes a little turn to focus on pets, animals, and wild animals and this is when we can use the iPad and the computers in the ICT suite to do lots of research on these amazing animals and wildlife. We will also be taking a close look at the minibeast in school, and you will also be able to teach your adults all about these on your way to school, in your own gardens at home or even the park! This will also be a good time to have an adventure in the schools Adventure Forest!

Summer 2 – Down on the Farm

Down on the Farm will be our final topic of this academic year and it will be an amazing one too! We can listen to some fabulous stories like ‘Rosies Walk’, Mrs Wishy-Washy’s Farm’ and look at some non-fiction texts about farm animals. There will be some amazing junk models made this term, where we can build a cardboard class farm, create some super paintings, and wait for it…. A VISIT TO THE FARM!

This is just a snippet of what you will learn this year and I hope you’re all excited to learn and experience what’s to come! There is a possibility where topics and some activities may transpose to something else as this curriculum is planned with subject to change to the interests or you, The Little Explorers!

The Explorers

Autumn 2023/24

Autumn 1 – All About Me and Where I Live

We can’t wait to welcome you all back from your Summer holidays. This term our topic is ‘All About Me’ and we will be focusing on you, your family and the local community. The main story we will focus on is ‘Owl Babies’ and we will be reading, listening to and acting out many other books off of our class reading spine, including Lost and Found, Avocado Baby, and Monkey Puzzle. We will be learning how to form letters to write your own name, learn new numbers and start to count. In EYFS we have an amazing art area so you can explore colour, painting and creating junk models using recycled materials.
We have some fun weekly activities throughout the year:
Monday – Muddy Mondays (Make sure you bring your wellies and waterproofs)
Wednesday – Well-being Wednesdays
Friday – Yoga
Autumn 2 – All About Autumn and Woodland Creatures

This term we will be learning all about Autumn and identifying woodland creatures. The book we will be focussing on is ‘Fletcher and the Falling Leaves’ and this half term we will start learning how to sequence a story. Some other books from our reading spine this term are: Funnybones, Stuck and Goodnight Moon. We will be observing the changes in weather and looking at the different coloured leaves outside. As we get closer to Winter, we will be investigating how water turns into ice and the changes in the seasons. In maths we will be counting and looking at the sequence of numbers and start learning about 2D shapes.

The Discoverers

Autumn 1 – All About Me

We will be listening to and reading stories ‘All About Me’ and learn how to recognise and form the letters to write our own names. We will be listening to and a reading lots of new books like ‘What Makes me Me’ and ‘Welcome to Our World’ to learn ‘All About Me’. We will be learning how to write our own name and the names of other important people who are in our lives. We will all be trying our best in our phonics lessons learning and listening to new sounds like ‘i’, digraphs ‘ie’, trigraphs ‘igh’. We will also transfer out new learning into our handwriting. We will be following a White Rose Maths programme which is full of super cool activities, and you will absolutely love them! We will be learning about past and present events in all our lives and celebration exciting times of our lives like class birthdays. We will be making lots of self-portrait creations using a range of art and craft resources from cardboard to glue and Sellotape to glitter, we are going to have a super creative experience!

Autumn 2 – Spells & Sparkles

This topic is all making spells and creating sparkle in our lives. We will be outside in the mud kitchen making potions and, in the writing, area using our new sounds to put together words to write magical spells! We will have to keep our eyes open for some green toads, I hear there are a few lurking around the grounds of Fishburn Primary School! So, make sure you bring your wellies! Whilst we are learning outside, we will be investigating patterns of change in the weather, temperature, and animals. Inside we will be paying particular attention to technology and learning all about safety from Smartie the Penguin. During this term, we will enjoy the exciting time of Halloween and the special time of Christmas so be prepared to have the best time, we are going to have a blast!

Spring 1 – Out of the World

This term we will focus on everything amazing and out of this world! We will transform our classroom into a space station and learn all there is to know about space, planets, stars and read super cool books like ‘How to Catch a Star’ where we can sit down and work together by writing sets of instructions on how we could catch a star! We will also use Oxford Owl to help us read some extra special stories and in phonics learn some interesting ‘alien’ words! We can create our own flying sources in the junk area, make some moon rocks, constellations and my favourite, SLIME! This topic is quite literally going to be ‘Out of this World!’.

Spring 2 – Growing Green & Natural Habitats

Springtime is a great time of year, we can plant, play and watch things grow. As part of this topic, we are all going to be planting Sunflowers in the school grounds and have a competition on who can grow the tallest! Pre-school and Nursery are also going to join in with this, so our school is going to be filled with bright yellow sunflowers! We are going to be reading stories like ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’, ‘It Starts with a Seed’ and some using non-fiction texts to learn new and scientific words. We will be continuing with our phonics, reading, writing and numeracy lessons whilst still learning amazing new things and taking part in the best experiences in and around our fabulous continuous provision and if that isn’t enough, we hope to be able to hatch our own chicks! (cheep cheep!).

Summer 1 – Superheroes

This half term takes a little turn to focus on the superheroes in our lives, who we need and sometimes or always rely on in our lives. We could transform our classroom into a hospital, a veterinary surgery a fire station and much much more as we learn about the superheroes in our lives. We could use our amazing writing skills to invite some emergency service heroes into our school and learn all about what they do when they’re out in our community helping people and saving lives! In our creative area, we could develop our skills and use our imaginations to make all the different types of transport used to support the emergency services in their very busy working lives.

Summer 2 – Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

‘Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside’ … Finally, to end our most amazing year in EYFS and before you head of into KS1 we will be learning everything to do with The Seaside, creating boats and using different materials trying to keep them afloat and then working out how we can make them sink. We will have a range of fantastic learning resources to use to create these boats, but does it have to be a boat? It could even be a Hovercraft! We have some exciting reading material in school too, not just the Oxford Owl but fabulous stories like ‘When the Sea Meets the Shore’, ‘The Snail and the Wale’ and ‘Sharing a Shell’. We can make full use of out HUGE outdoor sand pit and all our new water equipment both indoors and out. You’re in for a real treat with this topic and I know you will all love it! To complete this fantastic topic and the final weeks in EYFS, we hope to squeeze in a cheeky trip to one of our amazing beaches.

This is just a snippet of what you will learn this year and I hope you’re all excited to learn and experience what’s to come! There is a possibility where topics and some activities may transpose to something else as this curriculum is planned with subject to change to the interests or you, The Discoverers! 

The Adventurers

Adventurers Curriculum Overview

The Pioneers

Curriculum Overview

Pioneers Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term 2023

I am sure this will be a wonderful first term! Our topic for Autumn 1 is Our Local Area and Climate Zones. In Science, we will be learning about animals including humans thinking about different foods and the nutrients they provide. From there, we will be cooking in DT. In English, we are reading There’s a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom where we will be creating an information poster on an endangered animal and much more.

Our topic for Autumn 2 will be all about Ancient Egypt. We will be focusing on drawing and painting in Art linked to Ancient Egypt. Our class book will be The Egyptian Cinderella which is based on Cinderella with a change of setting and the famous glass slipper replaced with leather ones.

Homework will go home on the first Friday of each half term and will be expected back in once all of the tasks have been completed. Each task will have an amount of Dojo points attached to it and you can win prizes at the end of the term for collecting the most points.

For the whole Autumn Term, The Pioneers are swimming on a Wednesday morning. In Autumn Term 2, a coach is coming into school to teach gymnastics on a Monday afternoon. Please could all children come to school dressed appropriately for the PE days (Wednesday in Autumn 1 and Monday and Wednesday in Autumn 2).

The Pathfinders

Welcome to Pathfinders

Hello and welcome to Pathfinder’s page where you will be able to find out about all the exciting topics we have planned for you this year. We can’t wait to get started!

Curriculum Overview

Pathfinders Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term 1 (2023) Information

Just a reminder, Pathfinder’s PE days for this half term are Wednesday and Thursday. We would ask all children to come dressed appropriately for PE that day, not in their school uniform. Keep an eye out on this page as we will have specialist PE coaches and outdoor PE learning taking place throughout the year which may mean a change in PE day.

All details of changes will go out with plenty of notice via here, Class Dojo and text message usually.

Homework will go home on the first Friday of each half term and will be expected back in once all of the tasks have been completed. Each task will have an amount of Dojo points attached to it and you can win prizes at the end of the term for collecting the most points up.


The Trailblazers

Trailblazers Overview

Autumn Term:

Welcome back everyone!

This term, in English, we are looking at The Jaguar Stones, by J&P Voelkel, and we are rewriting the story as a narrative with an additional chapter.







In reading, we are looking at Kai and the Monkey King by Joe Todd-Stanton. An interesting read which will promote deeper thinking questions and responses to be given by the children.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday the children have their allocated slot for PE. So, on these days, children are more than welcome to come in their PE kits rather than school uniform. It is not until the Spring Term, where the children will have access to their sports coach from GoWell: Dance and Striking and Fielding.

In the Summer term, the children will then have their Swimming lessons.

Homework will be given out on the First Friday of the half-term and expected to be back in once tasks have been completed. These homework tasks have class dojos attached to them where you can win prizes at the end of the term if you have the most dojos!

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Mr Sowerby