Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!


Contact Details

Our Subject Leader for RE is Mrs Kett.

Subject Policy

For our Subject Policies please go to the this link

Impact and Implementation


It is our intent for our RE curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils. This will equip them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions. We feel it is essential for the pupils to develop understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society. We want them to develop respect, tolerance and understanding of others.


In order to meet our statutory duty to teach Religious Education, at Fishburn Primary School we use the Durham County Council RE Syllabus to underpin our teaching and learning of RE. RE is taught weekly following our long and medium-term planning. Children in our Foundation Stage will celebrate key religious festivals throughout the year such as Christmas, Divali, Eid. Work is recorded in RE books and can be evidenced with a variety of outcomes, for example written pieces, artwork and photos. Throughout their time at Fishburn Primary School children will explore the six main faiths: Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Islam. We make links with the local church and visit throughout the year. Regular assemblies and celebrations help children to gain a greater understanding and celebrate the diversity of the wider world, as do a range of visitors. Critical thinking is one of the main elements to our RE curriculum and we encourage children to analyse various viewpoints, explain and justify their opinion and evaluate the opinions of others. As children progress through KS2, they are given time and a safe space for personal reflection on the content they have learnt allowing them to being to formulate their own beliefs and values and how these influence their daily life, attitudes and actions.


At Fishburn Primary all pupils are educated to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally to enable them to better understand themselves and others. Pupils understand the need for respect and understanding of others who may have a different viewpoint to them. Children will be well equipped to deal with an ever changing, multicultural world

National Curriculum


Long Term Plans

RE Long Term Plan

Medium Term Plans and Progression in Knowledge and Skills

Road Maps