Fishburn Primary School

Fishburn Primary School
Small But Mighty!


“A book is a dream that you hold in your hand.” – Neil Gaiman

Our Subject Leader for Reading is Mrs Murray.

Approaches to Reading at Fishburn Primary:

At Fishburn, we recognise that the skill of reading is fundamental to every day life. We give Reading the highest priority throughout our curriculum and our school day. To reflect out commitment to our children learning to read, we have based our whole school curriculum on a comprehensive reading spine upon which all of our wider curriculum topics are built. Our Reading Spine contains high quality progressive texts that children will encounter during their time with us.

A copy of our reading spine for each phase in school can be found below:


Whole School Poetry Spine: Poetry Spine – updated 03.08.22

Pre-school Reading Spine: Pre-school_Reading Spine_2022_2023.docx

EYFS Reading Spine: EYFS_Reading Spine_2022_2023.docx

KS1 & KS2 Reading Spine: KS1 & KS2 Reading Spine_2022_2023.docx

In addition to our comprehensive reading spine, we have also put together a programme of reading across our school. This programme clearly outlines exactly what is on offer at Fishburn Primary and how we ensure that reading is given a high platform.

Fishburn Primary School Reading Programme 2022_2023.docx

The teaching of reading skills develop as children move through school. Please take a look at the additional key stage information below to further explain what reading looks like in our school.

Early Years Foundation Stage (Pre-school, Nursery and Reception)

Reading begins in EYFS where children are introduced to Essential Letters and Sounds which is a daily systematic phonics programme. Children begin to read books which are based on their phonics knowledge and high frequency words that they have been taught. Books are taken home regularly. Children are encouraged to share books at home with their family members. When children are ready, they begin to take home reading book based on their phonics knowledge and ability.

Reading has an integral part of the Early Years Curriculum and children have opportunities to look at books in the book corner, hear adults read to them regularly and develop their individual interests through the reading curriculum.

Key Stage One (Year 1 and 2)

In Key Stage One, children continue to work on Essential Letters and Sounds. This takes place across every morning and on occasion an afternoon too where children are taught as a whole class by teacher. Immediate intervention can then take place in order to support children who may be struggling with their phonic knowledge.

At the end of year one, children complete the National phonics screening check to assess their phonics knowledge. Children who do not reach the required standard complete a screening check in year two. All children continue their phonics journey until the end of the Essential Letters and Sounds programme.

Reading is overtly taught in both English lessons and across the curriculum, with teaching staff modelling how to read a wide variety of texts which children will work with.

In KS1 children will have a daily phonics session, a daily VIPERS session and a daily guided reading session. Each opportunity gives teachers the chance to hear reading, discuss new words, spelling patterns and check children’s understanding of the text.

The ‘VIPERS’ approach to further enhance children’s reading skills so that they are able to:

  • Predict
  • Clarify
  • Question
  • Summarise
  • Infer and deduce.

In KS1, children also have access to reading books which are taken home accompanied by a Reading Record book, which gives children and parents/carers a chance to write about the book and add any extra comments which they think are necessary.

We predominantly use the Oxford Reading Tree as a scheme but this is supplemented by many other books which have been levelled by staff. Children also have access to many online E books which they can also share at home with their parents. All of our children are aware of what reading level they are on and also which is the next level they aspire to.

Reading progress is assessed regularly both through hearing children read and through a termly assessment from NTS to inform teachers if extra support may be needed or if children need additional challenge in their reading journey.

In addition to our reading spine, Key Stage one pupils develop their phonic and early reading skills using Essential Letters and Sounds, to find out more about this scheme please visit our ‘Phonics’ page.

Key stage Two – Year 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Our older children are expected to read at home at least four times a week and to write two reading comments and a reading challenge comment in their reading record. A signature or comment from a parent or carer is also encouraged.

Phonics programmes remain in place for children who did not reach the standard in the phonics screening check in Year 2. Each class also has a list of priority readers. Priority readers are children who are not reading confidently or fluently. These children read daily with an adult. Some children are placed in small reading groups to develop their decoding skills, fluency and confidence.’

VIPERS sessions are taught each day in Key Stage 2 – allowing children to practice their reading skills each day.

Children carry out reading tasks through other lessons, including reading a range of different genres of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children answer reading comprehensions about these, annotate and highlight texts and read individually, in pairs and as a whole class.

Teachers have a class book and this is shared and discussed together during story time. Each class also has a reading corner, where reading is promoted. Within this corner, there is a recommended read section, where children can recommend their book to other children in the class.

Each class completes a reading assessment at the end of each term and this is recorded as a comprehension age and whether the child is at the expected level. The ages are also tracked against the pupil’s chronological age and compared against the pupil’s age. This is to ensure progress is continuing to be made. If the pupil needs more support, immediate intervention is given, often in small group support.

Key Stage two pupils study whole class novels as well as having access to banded books to build on their accuracy and fluency in reading.

Pupils have opportunities to undertake guided, shared and independent reading throughout the school day and in extra-curricular time. Children read in breakfast and after school club, take part in book clubs and have strong links with authors who we write to and have Skype conversations with.

Reading skills will be taught early in the Autumn term and revisited often throughout the remainder of the year, according to the ability of the child. Shared class novels are also used in each class and children are able to develop stamina for reading as well as the full range of reading skills.

If you would like to know more about our approaches to the teaching of reading in school please speak with your child’s class teacher.